Systems Biomedicine

Liu, T.Edison

Systems Biomedicine - USA Academic Press 2010 - x, 438 p.: - Concepts and Perspectives .

Systems biology is a critical emerging field that quantifies and annotates the complexity of biological systems in order to construct algorithmic models to predict outcomes from component input. Applications in medicine are revolutionizing our understanding of biological processes and systems. Systems Biomedicine is organized around foundations, computational modeling, network biology, and integrative biology, with the extension of examples from human biology and pharmacology, to focus on the applications of systems approaches to medical problems. An integrative approach to the underlying genomic, proteomic, and computational biology principles provides researchers with guidance in the use of qualitative systems and hypothesis generators. To reflect the highly interdisciplinary nature of the field, careful detail has been extended to ensure explanations of complex mathematical and biological principles are clear with minimum technical jargon.

I. Foundations of Systems BiologyGenomic Technologies for Systems BiologyProteomic TechnologiesII. Computational Modeling of Biological SystemsDynamic Systems AnalysisSpatio-temoral Modeling of Cellular SystemsHigh-level modeling of biological networksHigh-Performance ComputingModeling SoftwareIII. Network BiologyProtein Interaction NetworksSignaling Networks with Modeling StrategiesProtein networks in integrin-mediated adhesionsNetwork ImagingRNAi networksIV. Integrative Biology of Higher BiosystemsSignal Processing and Integration During DevelopmentSystems Biology and Stem Cell BiologyApplication of immunologic modeling in drug discovery and developmentV. Systems Medicine ApplicationsSystems Pharmacology


Foundations of Systems Biology
Computational Modelling in Systems Biology
Applications of Systems Biology
Novel Agents in Cancer

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