Classical and quantum information theory :

Desurvire, Emmanuel, 1955-

Classical and quantum information theory : an introduction for the telecom scientist / Emmanuel Desurvire. - Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. - xx, 691 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

This complete overview of classical and quantum information theory employs an informal yet accurate approach, for students, researchers and practitioners.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Probabilities basics; 2. Probability distributions; 3. Measuring information; 4. Entropy; 5. Mutual information and more entropies; 6. Differential entropy; 7. Algorithmic entropy and Kolmogorov complexity; 8. Information coding; 9. Optimal coding and compression; 10. Integer, arithmetic and adaptive coding; 11. Error correction; 12. Channel entropy; 13. Channel capacity and coding theorem; 14. Gaussian channel and Shannon-Hartley theorem; 15. Reversible computation; 16. Quantum bits and quantum gates; 17. Quantum measurments; 18. Qubit measurements, superdense coding and quantum teleportation; 19. Deutsch/Jozsa alorithms and quantum fourier transform; 20. Shor's factorization algorithm; 21. Quantum information theory; 22. Quantum compression; 23. Quantum channel noise and channel capacity; 24. Quantum error correction; 25. Classical and quantum cryptography; Appendix A. Boltzmann's entropy; Appendix B. Shannon's entropy; Appendix C. Maximum entropy of discrete sources; Appendix D. Markov chains and the second law of thermodynamics; Appendix E. From discrete to continuous entropy; Appendix F. Kraft-McMillan inequality; Appendix G. Overview of data compression standards; Appendix H. Arithmetic coding algorithm; Appendix I. Lempel-Ziv distinct parsing; Appendix J. Error-correction capability of linear block codes; Appendix K. Capacity of binary communication channels; Appendix L. Converse proof of the Channel Coding Theorem; Appendix M. Block sphere representation of the qubit; Appendix N. Pauli matrices, rotations and unitary operators; Appendix O. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle; Appendix P. Two qubit teleportation; Appendix Q. Quantum Fourier transform circuit; Appendix R. Properties of continued fraction expansion; Appendix S. Computation of inverse Fourier transform in the factoring of N=21 through Shor's algorithm; Appendix T. Modular arithmetic and Euler's Theorem; Appendix U. Klein's inequality; Appendix V. Schmidt decomposition of joint pure states; Appendix W. State purification; Appendix X. Holevo bound; Appendix Y. Polynomial byte representation and modular multiplication.

9780521881715 0521881714

Quantum theory.
Information measurement.

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