Evaluating the European approach to rural development : grass-roots experiences of the LEADER programme

Granberg, Leo,

Evaluating the European approach to rural development : grass-roots experiences of the LEADER programme - Burlington, Ashgate 2015 - xiv, 243 p 24 cm.

Introduction LEADER as an experiment in grass-roots democracy, Leo Granberg, Kjell Andersson and Imre Kovach LEADER and local democracy: a comparison between Finland and the United Kingdom A perspective of LEADER method in Spain based on the analysis of local action groups The LEADER program in Hungary - bottom-up development with top-down control? The democratic capabilities of and rhetoric on LEADER LAGs in the EU - the Danish case A political perspective on LEADER in Finland - democracy and the problem of 'troublemakers LEADER and possibilities of local development in the Russian countryside Questioning the gender distribution in Danish LEADER LAGs LEADER LAGs: neocorporatist local regimes or examples of economic democracy Bottom-up initiatives and competing interests in Transylvania Can renewable energy contribute to poverty reduction? A case study on Romafa, a Hungarian LEADER, Development management, scale and representatives in Tunisia Conclusion: the LEADER colours on the democracy palette


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