Stochastic Cauchy problems in infinite dimensions :

Melʹnikova, I. V.

Stochastic Cauchy problems in infinite dimensions : generalized and regularized solutions / Irina V. Melnikova. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2016 - xix., 286 pages ; 24 cm. - Monographs and research notes in mathematics . - Monographs and research notes in mathematics. .

"A Chapman & Hall book."

Includes bibliographical references (pages 275-282) and index.

Well-Posed and Ill-Posed Abstract Cauchy Problems. The Concept of Regularization Semi-group methods for construction of exact, approximated, and regularized solutions Distribution methods for construction of generalized solutions to ill-posed Cauchy problems Examples. Supplements Infinite-Dimensional Stochastic Cauchy Problems Weak, regularized, and mild solutions to Ito integrated stochastic Cauchy problems in Hilbert spaces Infinite-dimensional stochastic Cauchy problems with white noise processes in spaces of distributions Infinite-dimensional extension of white noise calculus with application to stochastic problems

9781482210507 1482210509

Cauchy problem.
Stochastic processes.
Cauchy problem.
Stochastic processes.

515.36 / MEL

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