Gifted Children of Color Around the World :

Davis, Joy Lawson.

Gifted Children of Color Around the World : Diverse Needs, Exemplary Practices, and Directions for the Future/ Joy Lawson Davis and James L. Moore, III - United Kingdom : Emerald, ©2016. - xviii, 193p.: ill.; 24 cm. - Advances in Race and Ethnicity in Education. Volume - 3 .

1. Gifted education programming: serving the native Peruvian 2.Developing cultural competence in gifted and advanced students using community problem solving 4. Si Se Puede/yes we can: ramping up efforts for collaborating with Hispanic parents and families
5. Meeting the academic and socio-emotional needs of twice-exceptional African American students through group counselling 6. Talent in every community: a glimpse into the world of parenting gifted children of colour
7. Where are all the Latino males in gifted programs? 8. Teaching to their strengths: good medicine for Native American education 9. Biracial and multiracial gifted students: looking for a grain of rice in a box of sand
10. Brief overview of the current state of gifted education in the Dominican Republic
11. Gifted children of colour in the Deep South

This edited volume sheds light on the unique challenges, trends, and intersecting issues related to identifying the intellectual potential of children of colour around the world. The editors bring together expert scholars from around the world who have a vested interest in gifted children of colour.


Gifted children -- Education.
Children of minorities -- Education.

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