Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi :
Ghia, Devendra.
Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi : English Bhajans (Hymns) / Devendra Ghia (Kaka). - 1st ed. - Mumbai : Pediatric Oncall, 2020. - xx, 100 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
English Bhajans by Satguru Devendra Ghia. He has written nearly 10,000 hymns that cover various aspects of spirituality, such as devotion, inner knowledge, truth, meditation, right action, and right living. This book contains all English bhajans written by Kakaji. Most of his bhajans are in Gujarati, but there is also a treasure trove of bhajans in English, Hindi, and Marathi languages which are in between this book series. There are also separate books for these language bhajans. All books are published in the series named Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi.
782.270954 / GHI
Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi : English Bhajans (Hymns) / Devendra Ghia (Kaka). - 1st ed. - Mumbai : Pediatric Oncall, 2020. - xx, 100 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
English Bhajans by Satguru Devendra Ghia. He has written nearly 10,000 hymns that cover various aspects of spirituality, such as devotion, inner knowledge, truth, meditation, right action, and right living. This book contains all English bhajans written by Kakaji. Most of his bhajans are in Gujarati, but there is also a treasure trove of bhajans in English, Hindi, and Marathi languages which are in between this book series. There are also separate books for these language bhajans. All books are published in the series named Bhaav Samadhi Vichaar Samadhi.
782.270954 / GHI