The psychology of friendship and enmity :

Harre, Rom,

The psychology of friendship and enmity : Relationships in love, work, politics, and war/ Rom Harre; Fathali M. Moghaddam. - Santa Barbara, California : Praeger, 2014. - Vol -1, vi, 247p.: Vol -2, vi, 252p.: ill.; 29 cm.

EISBN : 9781440803758

Volume 1. Inter-personal and Intra-personal processes
. Volume 2. Groups and intergroup understanding

This two-volume exploration of what might be termed "interpersonal war and peace" reveals why individuals and groups coalesce or collide, and how more positive relationships can be achieved.

9781440803741 1440803749 1440803757 9781440803758

Hostility (Psychology)
Interpersonal conflict.

158.25 / HAR

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