Geomorphology and Groundwater /

Brown, A. G.

Geomorphology and Groundwater / Edited by A. G. Brown - New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 2016. - viii, 213 p.: 170 x 250 x 20mm.


Geomorphology and Groundwater: Convergence and Diversification (A. Brown & C. Bradley).
Groundwater Flow and Quality in an Alluvial Aquifer Recharged from River Bank Infiltration, Torgau Basin, Germany (T. Grischek, et al.).
Shallow Groundwater Modelling and the Overbank Contribution to a Small Floodplain Bog (C. Bradley & A. Brown).
Assessing River--Aquifer Interactions Within the Hyporheic Zone (I. Maddock, et al.).
Landform--Groundwater Interactions in the Gwenlais Karst, South Wales (P. Hardwick & J. Gunn).
The Origin and Age of Karstic Depressions in the Darwin--Koolpinyah Area of the Northern Territory of Australia (M. McFarlane, et al.).
Karst and Pseudokarst: An Artificial Distinction? (P. Younger & J. Stunell).
Bils and the Barind Aquifer, Bangladesh (K. Ahmed & W. Burgess).
Groundwater Recharge and Outflow Patterns in a Dunefield of North East Nigeria (R. Carter).
Hydrogeological Provinces in Central Sudan: Morphostructural and Hydrogeomorphological Controls (J. Burke). Index.



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