Immune System and Mental Health/

Anisman, Hymie

Immune System and Mental Health/ Hymie Anisman; Shawn Hayley; Alexander Kusnecov. - London : Academic Press, 2018. - xii, 688p.: ill., 23.5 cm.


1. Multiple Pathways Linked to Mental Health and Illness 2. The Immune System: An Overview 3. Bacteria, Viruses, and the Microbiome 4. Life-Style Factors Affecting Biological Processes and Health 5. Stressor Processes and Effects on Neurobiological Functioning 6. Stress and Immunity 7. Prenatal and Early Postnatal Influences on Health 8. Depressive Disorders 9. Anxiety Disorders 10. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 11. Pain Processes 12. Autism 13. Schizophrenia 14. Inflammatory Roads to Parkinson's Disease 15. A Neuroinflammatory View of Alzheimer's Disease 16. Comorbidities in Relation to Inflammatory processes

0128113510 9780128113516

Immune System
Mental Health

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