Applied Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease

Zeynep Cetecioglu

Applied Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease - 1st ed., - United Kingdom : Koros Press Limited, 2015. - xi, 261p. : il. ; 24 cm.


Chapt:1 Determination of Anaerobic and Anoxic biodegradation capacity of sulfamethoxasole and the effects on mixed microbial culture

Chap.2 : Chikungunya Virus -vector interaction

Chapt 3: Comparative evaluation of the effects of velogenic newcastle disease virus infection on the hematology of ducks and chickens

chapt.4: Linking geology and microbiology : inactive pockmarks affect sediment microbial community structure

chapt .5 : paratuberculosis infection in camel ( camelus dromidarius) : current and prospective overview

chapt 6: cryptococcus gattii in the united states : genotypic diversity of human and veterinary isolates

chapt 7: Avain myctoxicosis in developing countries


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