Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC)

Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC) - Kolkata: The Secretary, 2023. - Quarterly

The Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC) is a non-profit organisation based in India that supports development in the entire field of special librarianship in India. The IASLIC undertakes supports, coordinate research and studies, conducts short term training courses; organises general/special meetings, and hold seminars and conferences in alternate years on current problems of Libraries and Information services and other allied areas are selected as themes for discussions on theses occasions. It also publishes journals, monographs, manuals, newsletters, papers, proceedings and reports.

Aims and objectives

In the forgoing perspective, the IASLIC, acronym for the Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres, was established on 3rd September 1955 as a non-profit making national, professional body to -

• undertake, support and co-ordinate research and studies
• organize general and special meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences at national and regional level
• publish journals, monographs, manuals, newsletters, papers, proceedings and reports
• conduct short-term training courses
• collaborate with other fraternal bodies in promoting the interests of the library and information profession
• undertake such other activities which are incidental and conducive to the attainment of its objects.


Special librarianship
Library Training courses
Coordinate Research and Studies
Journals, Monographs, Manuals, Newsletters, Papers, Proceedings and Reports


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