Field Work & Social Research /

Chapin, Stuart, F

Field Work & Social Research / F. Stuart Chapin, - Chennai : MJP Publishers , 2022. - xi, 221 p. :

Content Part I- 1. The Approach to Field Work, 2. The Place of Field work in Social Research, 3. Critical Examination of Documentary sources precedes good field work, Part II 1. Scope and Organization of Field work, 2.Types of Field work and their problems, 3. The Investigative procedure of case work, 4. Samples that are representative the partial canvass-Investigative procedure of the social survey, 5. Complete Enumeration of a Government census-the technique of full canvass, Part III 1. Special Problems connected with field work, 2 .Purpose and Preparation of schedules for field work, Editing, Classification, Transcribing, Tabulation and interpretation of Field work data,


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