Ancient and Early Medieval History of India /


Ancient and Early Medieval History of India / Dr. Bipin Seth, - New Delhi : Anjali Publishers & Distributors, 2018. - 287 p. :

Contents Preface 1. The Sources of the History of Ancient India, 2. Pre-and Proto History, 3. Indus Valley Civilization, 4. The Vedic Age, 5. Period of Mahajanapadas, 6. The Mauryan Empire, 7. Ashoka the Great, 8. Post Mauryan Period 9. Early State and Society in Eastern India: Deccan and South, 10. Imperial Guptas and Regional States of India, 11. Introduction to Medieval India, 12. Political Developments, 13. The Mughal Empire, 14. The Rise of Maratha Empire Bibliography.

The book presents a comprehensive record of the early cultures of Indus Valley and continuing till the magnificent Mughal Empire. The author has presented and authoritative and readable survey of Indian history incorporating the accounts of the various events as clearly as possible. The book will serve both as a standard book of Indian history for the students and general readers and also as an important source for further research relating to the development of the Indian history through different successive stages


324 B.C.-1765 A.D History Inde Histoire 1000-1765 Inde Histoire 324 av. J.-C.-1000 India India History 1000-1765 India History 324 B.C.-1000 A.D

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