Pattern Recognition: From Classical to Modern Approaches

Pal, Shankar K. (ed).

Pattern Recognition: From Classical to Modern Approaches - 1st ed. - India : World Scientific Pub Co Inc, 2020. - xxii, 612 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

This volume, containing contributions by experts from all over the world, is a collection of 21 articles which present review and research material describing the evolution and recent developments of various pattern recognition methodologies, ranging from statistical, syntactic/linguistic, fuzzy-set-theoretic, neural, genetic-algorithmic and rough-set-theoretic to hybrid soft computing, with significant real-life applications. In addition, the book describes efficient soft machine learning algorithms for data mining and knowledge discovery. With a balanced mixture of theory, algorithms and applications, as well as up-to-date information and an extensive bibliography, Pattern Recognition: From Classical to Modern Approaches is a very useful resource.

9780000988966 9789810246846

data mining
pattern recognition methodologies

006.4 / PAL

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