Principles of Genetics/

Gardner, Eldon J.

Principles of Genetics/ Snustad, D. Peter & Simmons, Michael J. - 7TH EDITION - New York: J. Wiley, 1991. - xviii, 649, G-12, A-31, I-19 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm.

Principles of Genetics is one of the most popular texts in use for the introductory course. It opens a window on the rapidly advancing science of genetics by showing exactly how genetics is done. Throughout, the authors incorporate a human emphasis and highlight the role of geneticists to keep students interested and motivated. The seventh edition has been completely updated to reflect the latest developments in the field of genetics. Principles of Genetics continues to educate today’s students for tomorrows science by focusing on features that aid in content comprehension and application. This text is an unbound, three hole punched version.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 The Science of Genetics

The Personal Genome

An Invitation

Three Great Milestones in Genetics

DNA as the Genetic Material

Genetics and Evolution

Levels of Genetic analysis

Genetics in the World: applications of Genetics to human Endeavors

Chapter 2 Cellular Reproduction

Cells and Chromosomes



Life Cycles of Some Model Genetic Organisms

Chapter 3 Mendelism The Basic Principles of Inheritance

Mendel’s Study of heredity

Applications of Mendel’s principles

Testing Genetic hypotheses

Mendelian principles in human Genetics

Chapter 4 Extensions of Mendelism

Allelic Variation and Gene Function

Gene Action: From Genotype to Phenotype

Inbreeding: Another Look at Pedigrees

Chapter 5 The Chromosomal Basis of Mendelism


The Chromosome Theory of Heredity

Sex-Linked Genes in Humans

Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

Dosage Compensation of X-Linked Genes

Chapter 6 Variation in Chromosome Number and Structure

Cytological Techniques



Rearrangements of Chromosome Structure

Chapter 7 Linkage, Crossing Over, and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes

Linkage, Recombination, and Crossing Over

Chromosome Mapping

Cytogenetic Mapping

Linkage Analysis in Humans

Recombination and Evolution

Chapter 8 The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses

Viruses and Bacteria in Genetics

The Genetics of Viruses

The Genetics of Bacteria

Mechanisms of Genetic Exchange in Bacteria

Chapter 9 DNA and the Molecular Structure of Chromosomes

Proof That Genetic Information Is Stored in DNA and RNA 

The Structures of DNA and RNA

Chromosome Structure in Viruses and Prokaryotes

Chromosome Structure in Eukaryotes

Special Features of Eukaryotic Chromosomes

Chapter 10 Replication of DNA and Chromosomes

Basic Features of DNA Replication In Vivo

DNA Replication in Prokaryotes

Unique Aspects of Eukaryotic Chromosome Replication

Chapter 11 Transcription and RNA Processing

Transfer of Genetic Information: The Central Dogma

The Process of Gene Expression

Transcription in Prokaryotes

Transcription and RNA Processing in Eukaryotes

Interrupted Genes in Eukaryotes: Exons and Introns

Removal of Intron Sequences by RNA Splicing

Chapter 12 Translation and the Genetic Code

Protein Structure

Genes Encode Polypeptides

The Components of Polypeptide Synthesis

The Process of Polypeptide Synthesis

The Genetic Code

Codon-tRNA Interactions

Chapter 13 Mutation, DNA Repair, and Recombination


The Molecular Basis of Mutation


Complementation Test

DNA Repair Mechanisms

DNA Recombination Mechanisms

Chapter 14 The Techniques of Molecular Genetics

Basic Techniques Used to Identify, Amplify, and Clone Genes


Construction and Screening of DNA Libraries

The Molecular Analysis of DNA, RNA, and Protein

The Molecular Analysis of Genes and Chromosomes

Chapter 15 Genomics

Genomics: An Overview

Correlated Genetic, Cytological, and Physical Maps of Chromosomes

The Human Genome Project

RNA and Protein Assays of Genome Functions

Genome Diversity and Evolution

Chapter 16 Applications of Molecular Genetics

Use of Recombinant DNA Technology to Identify Human Genes and Diagnose Genetic Diseases

Human Gene Therapy

DNA Profiling

Production of Eukaryotic Proteins in Bacteria

Transgenic Animals and Plants

Processes by Inhibiting Gene Expression

Genome Engineering

Chapter 17 Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes

Strategies for Regulating Genes in Prokaryotes

Constitutive, Inducible, and Repressible Gene Expression

Positive and Negative Control of Gene Expression

Operons: Coordinately Regulated Units of Gene Expression

The lactose operon in E. coli: Induction and Catabolite Repression

The Tryptophan Operon in E. coli: Repression and Attenuation

Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes

Chapter 18 Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes

Ways of Regulating Eukaryotic Gene Expression: An Overview

Environmental and Biological Factors

Molecular Control of Transcription in Eukaryotes

Gene Expression and Chromatin Organization

Activation and Inactivation of Whole Chromosomes

Chapter 19 Inheritance of Complex Traits

Complex Traits

Statistics of Quantitative Genetics

Statistical Analysis of Quantitative Traits

Molecular Analysis of Complex Traits

Correlations between Relatives

Quantitative Genetics of Human Behavioral Traits

Chapter 20 Population Genetics

The Theory of Allele Frequencies

Natural Selection

Random Genetic Drift

Populations in Genetic Equilibrium

Chapter 21 (Online) Transposable Genetic Elements

Transposable Elements: An Overview

Transposable Elements in Bacteria

Cut-and-Paste Transposons in Eukaryotes

Transposon Activity in Maize

Retroviruses and Retrotransposons

Transposable Elements in Humans

The Genetic and Evolutionary Significance of Transposable Elements

Chapter 22 (Online) The Genetic Control of Animal Development

A Genetic Perspective on Development

Maternal Gene Activity in Development

Zygotic Gene Activity in Development

Genetic Analysis of Development in Vertebrates

Chapter 23 (Online) The Genetic Basis of Cancer

Cancer: A Genetic Disease


Tumor Suppressor Genes

Genetic Pathways to Cancer

Chapter 24 (Online) Evolutionary Genetics

The Emergence of Evolutionary Theory

Genetic Variation in Natural Populations

Molecular Evolution


Human Evolution


Appendix A: The Rules of Probability

Appendix B: Binomial Probabilities

Appendix C: Evolutionary Rates

Answers to Odd-Numbered Questions and Problems



Focus on developing critical thinking skills by emphasizing the analysis of experimental data and problems.
Provides a balance between concepts and experimental detail, using experiments to help explain the “how” and “why” concepts were developed. The text is written to be comprehensive but not encyclopedic.
Offers the human perspective on genetics, through numerous examples and pedagogical elements found in the text.
Features an excellent illustration program with many stepped-out figures. Also uses micrographs in conjunction with illustrations to show the “real” micrograph and “ideal” illustration together.


Genetica (algemeen) Genetics Genetics (General) Génétique genetica genetics heritability inheritance moleculaire genetica molecular genetics overerving

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