Vertebrates of Assam : A checklist with IUCN status/

Barooah, Chandra

Vertebrates of Assam : A checklist with IUCN status/ by Dr. Chandra Barooah & Ms. Lani Sarma. - Assam : Assam Science Technology and Environment Council, 2016. - 379p.: ill.: 23cm.

Vertebrates of Assam includes a comprehensive checklist of five major classes of vertebrate species and subspecies found in Assam, India, viz. Actinopterygii, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia. The book is mainly based on available sources of secondary data like books, journals, Ph. D. Theses, etc. Accepted scientific names of all taxa are mentioned in alphabetical order under each family followed by English name, local name, records of distribution, habitat and IUCN status.

This book includes 1459 vertebrate taxa under five classes. Out of these, 232 taxa are fishes, 67 taxa are amphibians, 128 taxa are reptiles, 841 taxa are birds and 192 taxa are mammals. Besides, a total number of 123 taxa are recorded under the Threatened (CR, EN and VU) category, while 72 taxa are categorized under Near Threatened (NT). This book contains colour photographs of 174 fishes, 16 amphibians, 54 reptiles, 108 birds and 24 mammals.


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